SAGA-Bushwalkers reporting
Schmidt: „It takes seven about 15 hours to re-install“

🌏🎬 Adelaide—If you ask Bushwalkers of the South Australian German Association (SAGA) what the sentiment is they particularly harbor when walking along the Heysen Trail, it is: "Safety first!" Perhaps small wonder, then, that walking volunteers of the SAGA can often be seen beavering away maintaining or re-installing Heysen routes. The hiking group was founded in 1990 and walked the entire Heysen Trail in stages between 1998 and 2010. For more than 20 years now, the hiking group has been immersed in maintaining sections of the Heysen for the general public. So much so that in South Australia the Bushwalkers of the SAGA have gained a solid reputation as "bridge builders". In Sections 3 and 4 of the Heysen, the hiking group regularly clears the Trail and maintains the crossings and wooden bridges constructed by SAGA-volunteers. In this spirit, the Bushwalkers also carefully record their efforts for ForestrySA. For example, it takes seven volunteers up to one and a half days just to renovate one footbridge, as the group’s hiking guide Hermann Schmidt acknowledges. [Video]

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Excursion destination „Australia's Little Cornwall“
Moonta inspires Bushwalker to „educational walks“

🌏 Adelaide—Bushwalkers are rapidly approaching the South Australian German Association (SAGA) on their 800th walk—not counting the numerous group outings and multi-day camps. The 1200-kilometer Heysen Trail has been practiced by the hiking group formed in 1991 between 1999 and 2010. After their in-depth week-long April trip to Moonta, Bushwalkers are certain that in future they will be increasingly organizing „educational hikes“ in South Australia.

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Oberaudorfer Bürgermeister- und Gemeinderatswahl 2014
Krueger: „Mehr Kommunaldemokratie wagen“

💻 Oberaudorf — „Lebens­qua­li­tät ganz­heit­lich ver­bes­sern“, das ist das Kern­an­lie­gen der Bünd­nis­grü­nen in Ober­au­dorf. Ihre fünf Schwer­punk­te sind Ver­kehrs­be­ruhi­gung, Wie­der­be­le­bung des Orts­kerns, Fa­mi­lien­freund­lich­keit, sanf­ter Tou­ris­mus und Trans­pa­renz der Ge­mein­de­po­li­tik. Die­se sol­len im Ober­au­dor­fer Ge­mein­de­rat nach den Kom­mu­nal­wah­len viel mehr Ge­wicht er­hal­ten. Des­halb hat der vor ei­nem Jahr ge­grün­de­te Orts­ver­band nun ei­ne ei­ge­ne Of­fe­ne Liste mit neun Kan­di­da­tin­nen und Kan­di­da­ten auf­ge­stellt.

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